We get to choose how we age

Make your next chapter the best chapter!


I help and empower women in midlife make themselves a priority and step into their greatness.

Midlife isn’t about slowing down, it’s about revving up! Embrace this phase as your second chance to make your health, wellness and life goals happen.

Hi I’m Carla

I was stuck in a rut and didn’t like what I saw in the mirror.

Maybe you can relate…at 52 I woke up one day and realized I didn’t like the direction my life was going.

I had always been active, ate well, worked out, and as a Nutrition Consultant, thought I was doing all the right things.

My body was changing and the practices I had been following were no longer working. I was tired and cranky, my sleep was horrible, I had low energy and weight was sneaking up, which felt like overnight. I was ready to make some changes.

I decided to re-evaluate and get very intentional about my health and wellness and was determined to get my act together.

I focused on strength training, prioritized protein and whole foods, I made my exercise schedule and stuck to it. I took a hard look at some of my habits and decided to take a break from alcohol and for me that was the best thing I have ever done for myself.

I decided that if not now…when?

Everything I now do is intentional and with purpose to take control of my future and how I age.

I am passionate about helping midlife women reach their goals and make this the best chapter of their lives!

We take a holistic approach and work on mindset, nutrition, movement and wellness. We will dive into each of these areas and work together to figure out what this looks life for you and your lifestyle. Click above to learn more.